Functional Band Training
What is it? What are the advantages and where are the limits? Resistance bands enable much more individual training than training on conventional fitness equipment, and practicing with fitness band...
FLEXVIT: Building the basic athletic position
What is the basic athletic position? And how do I build this? The basic athletic position is a basis for many movement tasks and is used in numerous sports. For this reason, it is important that ev...
Improve basketball skills: With fitness bands you can take yourself to a new level
What are relevant basketball skills that set you apart from other players? Explosiveness on the court! Hardly any professional is born overnight. This means that in addition to a lot of talent, a l...
Successful sprint training in football - with sports bands
Sprint, sprint, sprint! Studies have shown that resistance training activates fast-twitch muscle fibers and makes athletes faster and more powerful. With resistance bands from FLEXVIT, the overall...
Fitness trends for 2022 – with FLEXVIT and Functional Band Training
We'll show you the fitness trends for 2022! What matters in the new year when it comes to sports? Indoors or in the fresh air - no matter how every year, most people have big plans. Losing weight, ...
The best warming for your handball training – FLEXVIT
We present you a warm-up with our FLEXVIT resistance bands for your handball training. We want to introduce you to training exercises that you can use to perfectly prepare your muscles for the upc...